Hundreds of thousands of girls and boys from underprivileged communities are enrolled in TCF schools and receiving a life changing education. Below are testimonials from educators, writers and legislators, commending the important work TCF is doing of educating children in Pakistan.

Nicholas Kristof
New York Times Columnist
2010 Op-ed details the transformation in Pakistan and the importance of TCF schools.
“This is my first trip to Pakistan in years in which the country’s downhill slide seems to have been arrested … members of Pakistan’s emerging middle class are stepping up to the plate. They are enraged at the terrorists who have been tearing apart their country, they’re appalled by corruption and illiteracy, and they want peace so that their children can become educated and live a better life. Their obsession is college, not Kashmir.”
“One reflection of the middle-class engagement is the rise of The Citizens Foundation (TCF)…. Today, TCF runs 660 [now 910] excellent schools for the poorest citizens. I visited several of these schools on this trip — and, wow!”
His 2011 column recommends readers to give TCF a holiday gift.
“The Citizens Foundation was started by Pakistani businessmen concerned about their country, and it builds terrific schools for needy children there.”

Honorable Mr. Lee Hamilton
Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission, former Congressman
Congratulates TCF in this letter.“It is vital to the peace and security of the world that young men and women in Pakistan and across the Islamic world are provided with hope and opportunity.”
“Indeed, access to a sound and comprehensive education is as important as any other tool in the current struggle against the forces of violence and hatred and is vital to the future of the Pakistani people.”

Honorable Mr. Mike Honda,
Commends TCF in this letter.He currently serves as the U.S. Representative for California’s 17th congressional district, encompassing western San Jose and Silicon Valley.
“…TCF continues to show its dedication to giving all children the opportunity to receive an education in a safe, supportive environment.”
“It is this goal that illustrates TCF’s understanding of the value of literacy in strengthening a young child’s future.”
William Dalrymple
Bristish Historian and Author Discusses his visit to TCF schools in Pakistan.
“The quality of teaching provided, in many cases, equals that of Pakistan’s smartest private schools. Yet the children who enroll are from the very poorest and most deprived families.”

Leslie Mass Ph.D
Former Peace Corps Member and TCF-USA Volunteer
Discusses the success of TCF.
“I have a new respect for the sophistication, expertise, and competence of Pakistanis trying to make a difference.”
“I look forward to many more encounters with Pakistani people and would like to continue to work with teachers and teacher trainers rebuilding the education system in Pakistan.”