Creative and Critical Thinking
Conceptual Knowledge
Core Values
Communication Skills
TCF school curriculum promotes an interactive, child centered teaching approach with emphasis on hands-on activities that help children learn, question and enjoy the learning process.
TCF’s academics team has referenced local and international educational guidelines to design the most appropriate curriculum, integrating best practices from across the world. Our curriculum is a rich blend of concepts identified in the National Curriculum and themes emphasized in other international curricula as well.
TCF uses its own textbooks for most of the subjects. The content has been tailored for relevance and ease of understanding for our students. These textbooks come with workbooks and comprehensive teacher guides. The objective is to standardize the daily lesson plans for teachers across the network.
The curriculum is constantly refined through on-going evaluation process to ensure that it caters to students’ developmental needs and fosters their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Special emphasis is placed on the personal, moral, and social development of our students. Activities at schools are therefore aimed at inspiring children to become responsible and well-rounded individuals.
A co-curricular programme centered around art, debating, sports and a wide range of similar activities provide students with a platform to showcase and celebrate their creative expression and talents.
TCF understands that specialized principals’ and teachers’ training is a prerequisite for imparting quality education in all its schools. While teachers have a direct impact on students in classrooms, principals affect all students in the school. Our training team, therefore, aligns an extensive teacher and principal training programme every year.
For teachers, the modules are designed based on their training needs assessment ranging from Classroom Management to Motivating Learners to Usage of Visual Aids.
Principals on the other hand receive training for effective school leadership. Their training includes courses like Communication Skills, Conflict Management, Delegation, Prioritizing and Taking Action etc.
The objective is to produce and sustain a positive learning environment that generates strong learning outcomes in classrooms, ensuring students’ academic success.
Our 4 key training programmes
Nardban – Stairway to Success was initiated in 2014. It is an innovative programme comprising two unique features: Teacher Competency Tests (TCTs) and E-Learning Videos.
TCTs are yearly assessments that all TCF teachers go through based on the subjects they teach. The objective is to test and improve teachers’ subject matter knowledge in a competitive way and reward them accordingly. These tests are created using an online management system that generates high quality standardized questions for all subjects and grade levels.
E-Learning content is another aspect of the programme. A specialized Learning Management System (LMS) Unit has been working on creating engaging and interactive videos for English, Mathematics and Science teachers. These videos equip teachers with the material they need to expand their content knowledge. Hence, enabling them to teach more effectively.
TCF oversees the quality of its Education Programme through a dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) team. The objective is to ensure that an acceptable education standard is maintained in all the TCF School units across the country. Visits are conducted throughout the year to monitor each school’s educational activities, formal classroom observations are carried out and insights are collected from Principals, teachers and students to come up with a focused and dedicated school improvement plan.
In addition to the schools’ monitoring and evaluation, the QA team also conducts two centralized examinations – Mid Terms and Finals in an academic year. The team prepares the examination papers, monitors the marking and compiles results.