TCF Canada is incorporated with the objective of providing educational opportunities to underprivileged children. It aims to work towards building a network of supporters and volunteers all over Canada.
All donations to TCF Canada are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
TCF Canada is audited by Ernst & Young LLP and its audited financial statements for the past 15 years are available on this website under the Audited Financial Statements.
TCF Canada’s past two years tax returns detailing all donations and expenses can be viewed at this Canada Revenue Agency website: T30101 Returns
TCF Canada delivers its programs through an intermediary organization in Pakistan called The Citizens Foundation. TCF is a professionally managed, non-profit organization set up in 1995 by a group of citizens concerned with the dismal state of education in Pakistan. It is now one of Pakistan’s leading organizations in the field of formal education. As of Academic 2023-2024, TCF has established 2,033 purpose-built school units nationwide with an enrollment of 301,000 students. TCF encourages female enrollment and strives to maintain a 50% female ratio in most of its campuses. TCF has an all-female faculty of 13,000 members. TCF also has a dedicated Teacher Training Center in Karachi and Mansehra for the ongoing training of its faculty and provides logistical support to all its teachers. About 18,000 jobs have been created in communities in which TCF operates.
We at TCF Canada believe that access to basic education is the right of each individual and not a privilege and therefore it should be available to all children regardless of the ability to pay for it. Apart from following the regular curriculum, we focus on the character building of students to equip them with high moral values and confidence.
To achieve these goals, TCF Canada through its intermediary is constantly surveying education-deprived communities in Pakistan to extend its network. Each new location is appraised through an extensive land survey, assessment of population, income level, number and standard of existing schools in the area, demand for new school units, availability of an accessible site to build a school, qualified teachers in the area and a number of other criteria.
Our intermediary, TCF, is registered in Pakistan as a company limited by guarantee under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and its accounts are audited by KPMG LLP. TCF is ranked amongst the top scoring organizations certified by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) and has received high non-profit organization (NPO) governance rating of GR8+ by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co Ltd.
TCF Canada was formed in 2004 and is run mostly by a team of unpaid volunteers with only a skeleton staff of three FTE.